LM1830 is a monolithic integrated circuit that can be used in liquid level indicator / control systems. Manufactured by National Semiconductors, the LM1830 can detect the presence or absence of polar fluids . Circuits based on this IC requires minimum number of external components and AC signal is passed through the sensing probe immersed in the fluid. Usage of AC signal for detection prevents electrolysis and this makes the probes long lasting. The IC is capable of driving a LED, high impedance tweeter or a low power relay at its output.
The circuit of a low liquid level indicator with LED is shown above. Capacitor Ct sets the frequency of the internal oscillator. With the give value of C1 the frequency will be around 6KHz. Capacitor Cb couples the oscillator output to the probe and it ensures that no DC signal is applied to the probe. The circuit detects the fluid level by comparing the probe to ground resistance with the internal reference resistor Rref.
When the probe to ground resistance goes above the Rref the oscillator output is coupled to the base of the internal output transistor making it conducting. The LED connected to the collector (between pin 12 and Vcc) is driven. Since the base of the transistor is driven using the oscillator, actually the transistor is being switched at the oscillator’s output frequency @50% duty cycle. There is no problem in driving the LED using AC signal and this method is very useful when it comes to use a loud speaker as the indicator. Loud speakers can be driven only by using AC signals and a DC signal will not produce any sound out of the speaker. The circuit diagram of a liquid level indicator using loud speaker at its output is shown below. The circuit is similar to the first circuit except that the LED is replaced by a loud speaker and the load current limiting resistor is changed from 1.2K to 1.5K.
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